Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Things God Hates. (being disgusted about movie choices)

When choosing to go see a movie there are a few things that are deal breakers for me. If is celebrates sin as something desirable, if there is nudity of a sexual nature ( as opposed to the nudity in a movie like Schindler's list), and language; especially taking the Lord's name in vain. I always look any movie up on the website because they list all these things in detail so that I can make an informed decision.

I thought the rated PG movie called "Extraordinary Measures" sounded like a good movie so I looked it up. I was appalled at the amount of cursing and especially more than a dozen misuses of the Lord's name. How the movie industry can justify rating such a movie PG is a whole other issue. I refuse to go and spend my money on a movie that will misuse the Lord's name, thus dishonoring our Holy Lord. I do not wish to be entertained by the things that God hates. Do you doubt that he hates it when his name is misused? Try reading the Ten Commandments.

Exodus 20:7 You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.

Maybe it is just me, but it seems pretty clear how God feels about this subject.

I am sure there are those who think I am overreacting. I am not sure I agree with that. The argument that I can watch others do something for entertainment and be innocent of it myself doesn't really hold water biblically.

Ephesians chapter 5 makes it really clear how we are to live our lives. I won't reprint it all here but I encourage you to read it for yourself. I will touch on some highlights though. Verse 6 says "let no one deceive you with empty words." v 7 says "do not be partners with them." v11 says "have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness" v 12 " For it is shameful to even mention what the disobedient do in secret" If it shameful to even mention it, how much more shameful to watch in on TV or a movie screen.

I think it is sad that many people who claim to be Christians will compromise and give sin a wink and a nod and still think they are blameless. I wonder how God feels about that? I think the letter to the church in Laodicea in the book of Revelation may clear up that question.

v 15-16  I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So because you are lukewarm-neither hot nor cold-I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

The word for "spit" in the original greek is actually translated "to vomit". If we go to church and honor him on Sunday and Wednesday but live the rest of our lives dishonoring him then we are lukewarm. If we say "Amen" to the preacher when he speak about sin on Sunday, but give sin a wink and a nod every other day of the week then we are lukewarm. If we do not honor God with our thoughts, words, and actions every day and not just on Sunday then we are lukewarm.

If we are lukewarm then God is about to vomit us out of His mouth, because we disgust Him.

Call me intolerant, call me a radical, call me politically incorrect, I don't care. I do not want to disgust God so that He wants to vomit me out of His mouth. So I will choose not to entertain myself or my household with the things that God hates.

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY enjoyed reading your blog. You are an intelligent woman of God who I am proud to call my friend and love learning from you!
