Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pastor Bob asked us to write a Father's Day letter to God; this is mine:

Dear Heavenly Father,
 You are the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords, and so mighty that when Isaiah saw you on your throne all he could see was the hem of your robe, because it filled up the whole room. Like Isaiah I have had unclean lips, and came from a people of unclean lips, deserving of death, unworthy to stand in your presence, and yet you did not abandon me
Since I was a child I have been afraid of being abandoned. I reacted to that fear in ways that would try any parents love and patience. Yet the earthly father that you sent to adopt me stood unmoving, ever patient, ever gentle, ever loving. No matter how much I disappointed him he would not be moved. Even the few times he showed his anger at my actions, it was not the anger of rejection, but of correction. Now, looking back at those years of emotional turmoil I can see that he was a rock in my life, never changing, never leaving, never condemning, always loving. Thank you Lord for giving me an earthly father who modeled so well your love for me. 

Just like I was adopted by my earthly father, who told me I was special because I was chosen, you chose me to be your little girl. Just like him you stood unmoving, ever patient, ever present, always loving, while I chose to live like an orphan. And when I reached the end of myself and came to  you with my head hung down in shame and desperation, you ran out to meet me. You placed the robe of adoption on my shoulders, the ring of authority on my finger, the sandals of access to all that is yours on my feet. Then you killed the fatted calf and rejoiced over me with singing and dancing.

Now I stand confident of your love, no longer afraid you will abandon me, a daughter of the King, a princess with power and authority and access to all that is yours; but most of all I get to press my head upon your chest, up against your heart, and lose myself there, and say "I love you Daddy!"

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