Friday, July 22, 2011

I have been know to say that I will go back to college when I figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I am 4 credits shy of an Associates of Science degree. I wanted to be a psychologist, but let's be realistic. I'm 42 years old. Do I really want to spend 6 more years in school? Well honestly I would love it, I love learning and could be a student forever, but who could afford the student loan payments for that.
I had a revelation this morning. I love to write. Why not be a writer? I read an article online about how to make money as a writer and have come to several conclusions. 1. I need to get my "little brown handbook" out and study it front to back until I can properly punctuate a sentence. (Got straight A's in everything, unless punctuation was figured into the grade.) 2. I should go back to college and get a degree in something like English Literature with several creative writing classes in there somewhere. 3. I love to read, I love to write, I love to learn and I love to teach. Why not do something that incorporates all those things into a career of some sort.

I am beginning to get a clearer vision of my future. So glad I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up.


  1. Student loan payback can be income based! :-) #3 makes it sound like you would love to be a pastor.

  2. Interesting. I am a Pastor's wife. lol
