Thursday, July 21, 2011

When God builds a puzzle.......

I heard that the Cali Church of the Nazarene in Columbia never starts and new ministry until they've prayed about it for 3 months. I knew our womens ministry at New Life needed to be revamped, rethunk, and retooled; so I decided to pray for 2 months before planning anything. God sent a group of women into my path all of whom had a burden for lost, broken, hurting women on the East side of Flint. (and beyond) I asked each of them to pray for God to give us a common vision about what this new phase of the womens ministry would look like. We had the first planning meeting today at the mission. From opening prayer, to closing prayer, with introductions included the meeting took less than an hour. It was amazing. We prayed, we all went around the table and introduced ourselves, we all laid our pieces of the puzzle on the table, the picture it made was beautiful, we picked a date, (July 13th) we prayed again, we went home.

So I suppose you all want to know what a puzzle that God built looks like....its radical, its a litte crazy maybe, it's outside the box, it's just like Jesus to do things this way. There will be no lesson, no craft, no games, no speakers, no registration, no attendance, no meetings (for now). Here's what we are going to do. We are going to eat lunch. Thats it. Lunch. 

Wednesdays from 11:15 to 1:30 we will have pretty tables decorated  upstairs in the sanctuary and we are going to invite the ladies to bring their plates upstairs and eat lunch with us. We are going to love them, regardless of race, color, creed, profession, lifestyle, appearance or smell, we are simply going to be Jesus with skin on, eat lunch and love them. Crazy? Maybe! Radical? You bet! Outside the box? Yep! Perfect? Perfect! Maybe we'll see you there. Bring your puzzle piece.

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